30 Days of Biking: Meet Steve Hawkins

One Minnesota man’s mission to ride daily, as inspired by this 30-day challenge.

30 Days of Biking: Meet Steve Hawkins
30 Days of Biking: Meet Steve Hawkins

By: Sean Collins, Inside Sales & Customer Service

Just what is 30 Days of Biking? Easy answer, it’s a movement to get people to ride their bikes for 30 days straight. No big deal, unless you live in Minnesota where riding for 30 days straight this April will be a challenge. A mid-April blizzard dumped more than a foot of snow around the metro area, making riding a bit challenging to say the least.

Unless you're Steve Hawkins! Steve is an Information Security Professional, University of Minnesota Professor, soccer dad/manager and cyclist. Over three years ago Steve pledged to participate in the 30 Days of Biking phenomenon. He started riding and did not stop.

Steve with some of his riding buddies.

Since that first day of his first 30 Days of Biking, Steve has ridden his bike for 1,205 consecutive days and counting. That is certainly a long streak by any measure, but Steve’s particular story is unique in that he has documented every ride he has taken via Facebook and has put his own spin on the idea.

  • Year 1: Steve rode outside every day for a minimum of 3 miles, the longest ride that year was 80 miles. He raced 1 time; a fat bike race in Wisconsin.

  • Year 2: Steve came up with the idea of riding the second 30 Days of Biking with a friend - a different friend for all 30 days. He did it! Steve got many friends to ride with him and even made a few new “riding” friends. Along this journey, Steve says he has ridden with over 200 different people and almost all of them have said that he was the reason they started riding. His Facebook posts also inspired many friends, and friends of friends of friends.

    When asked why he rides, Steve (pictured L), he said, “I love it. I’m in better shape physically, mentally, and spiritually.”
  • As for Year 3, Steve has no plans on stopping now that he’s 1200+ days and counting.

    A Brief History of 30 Days of Biking

    30 Days of Biking was started in 2010 in Minnesota, by Patrick Stephenson when a friend suggested making a pledge to do 30 days of yoga. Not being into yoga, Patrick suggested 30 days of biking instead. He put the idea on Twitter and 300 people signed up. Today, Patrick estimates that over 10,000 people participate each year, in over 100 countries.

    The 30 Days of Biking Facebook page has a fanbase of over 13,000 and a Twitter following of over 10,000.

    #30daysofbiking has over 64,000 posts on Instagram. Check it out, there are some great photos from around the world.

    Now go ride your bike!